fork download
  1. \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article}
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  11. % Define section formatting
  12. \titleformat{\section}{\Large\bfseries\color{blue}}{}{0em}{}[\titlerule]
  14. \begin{document}
  16. \begin{center}
  17. {\LARGE \textbf{Your Name}} \\[3pt]
  18. \small \color{gray} Java Full Stack Developer \\[5pt]
  19. \small \faPhone \hspace{2pt} +1-234-567-8901 \quad
  20. \faEnvelope \hspace{2pt} \href{}{} \quad
  21. \faLinkedinSquare \hspace{2pt} \href{}{} \quad
  22. \faGithub \hspace{2pt} \href{}{}
  23. \end{center}
  25. % Summary
  26. \section{Summary}
  27. \noindent
  28. Results-driven Java Full Stack Developer with X years of experience designing, developing, and deploying scalable web applications. Proficient in Java, Spring Boot, Angular/React, and cloud technologies. Passionate about clean code, microservices, and DevOps automation.
  30. % Skills
  31. \section{Technical Skills}
  32. \begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
  33. \item \textbf{Programming Languages:} Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL, Python
  34. \item \textbf{Frontend Technologies:} HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, React.js, Angular
  35. \item \textbf{Backend Frameworks:} Spring Boot, Hibernate, RESTful APIs, Microservices
  36. \item \textbf{Databases:} MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  37. \item \textbf{DevOps & Cloud:} Docker, Kubernetes, AWS (EC2, S3, Lambda), Jenkins, CI/CD
  38. \item \textbf{Version Control:} Git, GitHub, GitLab
  39. \item \textbf{Other Tools:} Postman, JIRA, JUnit, Selenium
  40. \end{itemize}
  42. % Work Experience
  43. \section{Work Experience}
  45. \textbf{Company Name} \hfill \textit{Month YYYY – Present} \\
  46. \textit{Java Full Stack Developer} \hfill \textit{Location}
  47. \begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
  48. \item Developed and maintained full-stack applications using Java Spring Boot and Angular.
  49. \item Designed RESTful APIs and integrated them with the frontend.
  50. \item Implemented authentication and authorization using JWT and OAuth2.
  51. \item Optimized database queries, improving performance by 30\%.
  52. \item Deployed microservices on AWS using Docker and Kubernetes.
  53. \end{itemize}
  55. \textbf{Previous Company Name} \hfill \textit{Month YYYY – Month YYYY} \\
  56. \textit{Software Engineer} \hfill \textit{Location}
  57. \begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
  58. \item Built responsive UI components using React.js and integrated them with RESTful APIs.
  59. \item Migrated legacy monolithic applications to microservices architecture.
  60. \item Implemented unit tests and automation scripts, reducing bugs by 40\%.
  61. \end{itemize}
  63. % Education
  64. \section{Education}
  65. \textbf{University Name}, Location \hfill \textit{YYYY – YYYY} \\
  66. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (or relevant degree) \\
  68. % Certifications
  69. \section{Certifications}
  70. \begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
  71. \item AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate (AWS)
  72. \item Oracle Certified Java Developer (OCP)
  73. \item Full Stack Web Development Certification – Udemy/Coursera
  74. \end{itemize}
  76. % Projects
  77. \section{Projects}
  78. \textbf{Project Name} – \textit{Brief Description} \\
  79. \begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
  80. \item Developed a real-time chat application using WebSockets, Spring Boot, and React.
  81. \item Built an e-commerce platform with secure payment integration.
  82. \end{itemize}
  84. % Additional Information
  85. \section{Additional Information}
  86. \begin{itemize}[noitemsep,topsep=0pt]
  87. \item Active contributor to open-source projects on GitHub.
  88. \item Speaker at local tech meetups and conferences.
  89. \item Passionate about clean code, design patterns, and software architecture.
  90. \end{itemize}
  92. \end{document}
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