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  1. def optimal_subarray(A: list[int]) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
  2. """
  3. Finds the indices (i, j) of the contiguous subarray with the minimum sum
  4. and returns the sum of that subarray in O(n) time using a divide-and-conquer approach.
  6. Args:
  7. - A: List[int], array of integers representing the card costs.
  9. Returns:
  10. - (i, j, min_sum): A tuple where i is the start index, j is the end index, and min_sum is the minimum sum.
  11. """
  12. # Call the recursive function to calculate the best subarray
  13. return find_min_subarray(A, 0, len(A) - 1)
  16. def find_min_subarray(A: list[int], L: int, R: int) -> tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]:
  17. """
  18. Recursive function to find the minimum sum subarray in A[L..R].
  20. Returns:
  21. - (i, j, min_sum, total_sum, prefix_min, suffix_min)
  22. where (i, j) are the indices of the minimum sum subarray,
  23. min_sum is the sum of that subarray,
  24. total_sum is the sum of the whole array A[L..R],
  25. prefix_min is the minimum prefix sum of A[L..R],
  26. suffix_min is the minimum suffix sum of A[L..R].
  27. """
  28. # Base case: only one element
  29. if L == R:
  30. return (L, R, A[L], A[L], A[L], A[L])
  32. # Divide step: Find the middle index
  33. M = (L + R) // 2
  35. # Conquer step: Recursively find the minimum subarrays in the left and right halves
  36. (i_L, j_L, min_L, total_L, prefix_L, suffix_L) = find_min_subarray(A, L, M)
  37. (i_R, j_R, min_R, total_R, prefix_R, suffix_R) = find_min_subarray(A, M + 1, R)
  39. # Combine step: Calculate the crossing subarray
  40. cross_sum = suffix_L + prefix_R
  42. # Determine the best crossing subarray indices
  43. left_suffix_sum = 0
  44. left_suffix_min = float('inf')
  45. left_suffix_index = M
  46. for i in range(M, L - 1, -1):
  47. left_suffix_sum += A[i]
  48. if left_suffix_sum < left_suffix_min:
  49. left_suffix_min = left_suffix_sum
  50. left_suffix_index = i
  52. right_prefix_sum = 0
  53. right_prefix_min = float('inf')
  54. right_prefix_index = M + 1
  55. for j in range(M + 1, R + 1):
  56. right_prefix_sum += A[j]
  57. if right_prefix_sum < right_prefix_min:
  58. right_prefix_min = right_prefix_sum
  59. right_prefix_index = j
  61. # Cross indices and sum
  62. i_C = left_suffix_index
  63. j_C = right_prefix_index
  64. min_C = cross_sum
  66. # Calculate total, prefix, and suffix for the combined array
  67. total_sum = total_L + total_R
  68. prefix_min = min(prefix_L, total_L + prefix_R)
  69. suffix_min = min(suffix_R, total_R + suffix_L)
  71. # Find the best of the left, right, and cross subarrays
  72. if min_L <= min_R and min_L <= min_C:
  73. return (i_L, j_L, min_L, total_sum, prefix_min, suffix_min)
  74. elif min_R <= min_L and min_R <= min_C:
  75. return (i_R, j_R, min_R, total_sum, prefix_min, suffix_min)
  76. else:
  77. return (i_C, j_C, min_C, total_sum, prefix_min, suffix_min)
  80. # Example usage:
  81. A = [4,-10,3,-5,6,-2,-8,7,-3,5,-6,2]
  82. start_index, end_index, min_sum, _, _, _ = optimal_subarray(A)
  83. print(f"Optimal subarray is from index {start_index} to {end_index} with a minimum sum of {min_sum}.")
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Optimal subarray is from index 1 to 6 with a minimum sum of -16.